Life is too short to feel anything less than 100%.

Are you tired of constantly feeling bloated or always needing to know where the closest bathroom is? Maybe you have eczema or psoriasis that isn’t just painful and uncomfortable, but it’s also embarrassing. Are you trying to eat all of the right things but you keep getting “hangry” and end up reaching for the closest bagel or donut you can find? Do you try your hardest to go to bed early, only to wake up multiple times a night?

Sure these are all things you can “live with,” but you shouldn’t have to.

You may have mentioned these annoyances to friends, coworkers, or even your doctor, only to be told to try this, that, or the other thing, but nothing is quite fixing the problem.

That’s because no one is getting to the root cause of what’s actually going on.

Become an expert in your own health, and say goodbye to those annoying symptoms once and for all.

The Gut Healing Protocol

“All disease begins in the gut.”

From skin rashes and chronic headaches to constant “tummy troubles” and allergies, many stubborn and annoying ailments are signs of a dysfunctional gut. The Gut Healing Protocol is often the first piece of the puzzle in uncovering the root of what’s going on.

Balancing Blood Sugar

Do you constantly crave sweets, especially after a meal? Or do you get “hangry” at least once a day? Maybe there’s no way you can go between meals without a snack. These are all common signs of blood sugar imbalance which can lead to insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes.

A Family Affair

Whether you’re trying to start a family, are already pregnant, in postpartum, or have kids at home, it’s never too late to lay the foundation for healthy eating.

One-on-One Nutrition Consulting

The Building Blocks

  • Good nutrition is fundamental for long-term, sustainable health and well-being. Over the course of 6 sessions, we’ll focus on the basics of gut healing, blood sugar balance, or family nutrition, uncover your “why,” create manageable and personalized goals, and set the stage for sustainable change.

    Areas may include:

    • Meal / Menu Planning

    • Determining appropriate portion sizes

    • Uncovering potential food sensitivities

    • Incorporating intentional movement

    • Forming basic sleep habits

  • We will start with an initial intake session, where we’ll discuss your questions, concerns and goals. I’ll gather a more in-depth look at your medical & health history, and with your input, will begin outlining a customized plan for success. This plan will be sent to you has a PDF document and we will refer back to it often to check results and update accordingly. Follow up sessions will be scheduled every 2 weeks.

    Get started today!

Advancing Your Knowledge

  • We’ll begin with The Building Blocks, and then continue advancing your knowledge of your own overall health & well-being. Even when life gets in the way, you’ll have a strong foundation to fall back on. Mastering new skills takes time, and a 12-week program is a great way to start implementing those new habits.

    We will start by mastering the areas included in The Building Blocks, and may go on to cover:

    • Adopting daily, weekly or monthly rituals

    • Mindfulness

    • How to choose higher quality foods

    • Learning the importance of macros and micros

    • Focusing on rest & recovery

    • Working through plateaus

  • After an initial intake appointment where we’ll discuss in depth your concerns, food preferences, medical health & history, lifestyle habits, sleep, stress management and more, you will receive a highly detailed report with a customized plan to help you meet your goals. Follow up sessions will be scheduled based on what works for you, and can be adjusted as necessary.

    Get started today!

Sustaining Your Health

  • Do you have a specific event coming up? Or perhaps a trip planned? Did you just finish a three or six-month program and now you’re looking for maintenance and periodic check-ins? Sustaining Your Health provides a less structured program to target something specific or time-sensitive.

    This may also be helpful for:

    • Individuals planning a trip, whether for work or play.

    • Families preparing their solids journey with their infants and/or contemplating Baby-Led Weaning.

    • Individuals who have a time-sensitive event coming up and want to feel their best (i.e., wedding, vacation).

    • Individuals wanting to embark on a low- or non-toxic lifestyle change.

  • Our meeting frequency will be based on the issue or situation at hand. This structure works best for individuals who already have a good, general foundational understanding of nutrition.

    Get started today!